Our voices in a powerful dance- By Sophie Ngugi

I seek not the voice of the president, I seek not the voice of the queen, I seek not the voice of the prince, For them, we hear, Whether we seek them or not, I seek not the voice of the high and mighty, But I seek your voice mama. I seek your voice mama, For your nurtured the presidents and the mighty, Every day you toil, with resilience on your back, And determination in your stomach, On your left you carry courage, And on your right hope, On your laps is love, Enough love to tenderly cover all humanity. I seek your voice sister, For you rule the world, If only you knew! If only you knew how, Your voice and mine will make a mighty thunder, No longer shall be silent For in silence we ache, And deny the world the great and gracious, You are the pulse of the world. Awake and rise, Rise up to meet yourself, For you have the right to sway, and swing, To dance and dance, For it is a powerful dance, Where we all join, With the trees swaying to the rhythm, And the birds whisper a melody, For the universe knows its child is awake, She is awake to her mighty self, Joining in the voices from east to west, From north to south, We put our rhythm together, All in the powerful dance. Together we are transforming the world, We shall be silent no more, For the world needs to hear you, For her-story will be heard, And the dance will go on And on And on


  1. Ngugi,

    This reminds me of the use of Dance for the cohesion and healing of communities way before even our generations were thought of, hence in my Sunday school rhymes, I have still in my head the song of dance..

    Dance, dance wherever you may be... I am the Lord of the dance says HE and I will Lead you all..

    both spiritual and physical healing, I totally can and indeed do relate to the dance principle, that's the only place where even language barriers and ethnic divisions and racial differences are put away and a new definition kicks in...

    Shukran Jezileen

    Ngoha George


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